Friday, April 11, 2008

pseudorandom samples in Matlab

>> randsample([1,2,3,4], 2)
ans =
2 3

From the help page:
RANDSAMPLE Random sample, with or without replacement.
Y = RANDSAMPLE(N,K) returns Y as a 1-by-K vector of values sampled
uniformly at random, without replacement, from the integers 1:N.

Y = RANDSAMPLE(POPULATION,K) returns K values sampled uniformly at
random, without replacement, from the values in the vector POPULATION.

Y = RANDSAMPLE(...,REPLACE) returns a sample taken with replacement if
REPLACE is true, or without replacement if REPLACE is false (the default).

Y = RANDSAMPLE(...,true,W) returns a weighted sample, using positive
weights W, taken with replacement. W is often a vector of probabilities.
This function does not support weighted sampling without replacement.

Example: Generate a random sequence of the characters ACGT, with
replacement, according to specified probabilities.

R = randsample('ACGT',48,true,[0.15 0.35 0.35 0.15])

See also rand, randperm.
I'm still learning how to use the help system. It's pretty silly, but I found this via Google search rather than via the internal search for the program. ("sample", "random", and "random sample" all returned relatively huge lists of results, with the one I was interested settled down in the middle. Ah, putting quote marks around "random sample" brings randsample to near the top.)

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