Monday, May 29, 2023

Handwriting recognition links

One project I'm curious: handwriting recognition. Dumping a list of resources I've come across: I guess there must be some more recent stuff that I'm missing? Recent articles citing the Graves and Schmidhuber article.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Jokes from Sidney Morgenbesser

I'm enjoying reading David Edmonds's Parfit: A Philosopher and His Mission to Save Morality. Recounting Parfit's time in New York with a Harkness Fellowship, the author squeezes in some jokes from the philosopher Sidney Morgenbesser, new to me, who was teaching at Columbia. The jokes:
  • On pragmatism: "It's all very well in theory, but it doesn't work in practice."
  • J.L. Austin is saying that while there are double negatives to express a positive -- "she is not uninteresting" -- there are no double positives to express a negative. Morgenbesser interrupts: "Yeah, yeah".
  • Eating dinner at a restaurant, the waitress says there are two choices for pie: apple or blueberry. Morgenbesser says he'll have the apple. The waitress comes back a minute later to say there's actually a third choice, cherry. Morgenbesser: "In that case, I'll have the blueberry pie."