Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I think I will learn a lot from this: Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Statistical Inference (2000) (2001) by Julian Besag

[R] books about MCMC to use MCMC R packages?


Computing the mean in R (2.6.0):
 case REALSXP:
PROTECT(ans = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) s += REAL(x)[i];
s /= n;
if(R_FINITE((double)s)) {
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) t += (REAL(x)[i] - s);
s += t/n;
REAL(ans)[0] = s;
where t and s were previously initialized to 0.0. (Again I wonder if it would make a noticeable difference to cache the result of REAL(x).) So, in exact math, at the end of the loop t = sum(x) - sum(x) = 0. What does this accomplish in finite precision math?
> y <- seq(-1e6, 1e6, len=1000)
> mean(y)
[1] -1.433398e-11
> sum(y) / 1000
[1] -1.44355e-11


And what does Recall (main/eval.c) look like on the inside?
SEXP attribute_hidden do_recall(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP rho)
RCNTXT *cptr;
SEXP s, ans ;
cptr = R_GlobalContext;
/* get the args supplied */
while (cptr != NULL) {
if (cptr->callflag == CTXT_RETURN && cptr->cloenv == rho)
cptr = cptr->nextcontext;
args = cptr->promargs;
/* get the env recall was called from */
s = R_GlobalContext->sysparent;
while (cptr != NULL) {
if (cptr->callflag == CTXT_RETURN && cptr->cloenv == s)
cptr = cptr->nextcontext;
if (cptr == NULL)
error(_("'Recall' called from outside a closure"));

/* If the function has been recorded in the context, use it
otherwise search for it by name or evaluate the expression
originally used to get it.
if (cptr->callfun != R_NilValue)
PROTECT(s = cptr->callfun);
else if( TYPEOF(CAR(cptr->call)) == SYMSXP)
PROTECT(s = findFun(CAR(cptr->call), cptr->sysparent));
PROTECT(s = eval(CAR(cptr->call), cptr->sysparent));
ans = applyClosure(cptr->call, s, args, cptr->sysparent, R_BaseEnv);
return ans;
Renaming a function screws up a recursive function defined in terms of its own name:
> fact <- function(n) if (n > 1) n * fact(n - 1) else 1
> fact(3)
[1] 6
> ffact <- fact
> fact <- function(x) 0 ##Whoops!
> ffact(3)
[1] 0

But not one defined in terms of Recall:
> fact <- function(n) if (n > 1) n * Recall(n - 1) else 1
> fact(3)
[1] 6
> ffact <- fact
> fact <- function(x) 0 ##Whoops!
> ffact(3)
[1] 6

It occurs to me that I've never written a recursive function in R before. It looks like Recall gets a modest amount of use in the base code though.

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